Automotive & Spare Parts Transport

For the automotive industry, which works with the principle of full-time production, products that are not produced in the same factory and supplied externally are very important. The delays that may occur in the products expected to be supplied directly affect the production. Therefore, uninterrupted and integrated logistics services are needed.

As SelLog, we analyse the needs of the automotive industry in the most accurate way. In the transportation of spare parts, we act on the basis of product safety and carry out transportations in accordance with time plans. With our warehouses at home and abroad, we also carry out the storage of products with great care. We prevent possible accidents and damages by being very sensitive in the loading and unloading of spare parts.

What We Promise

Cost Advantage
Cost Advantage
Safe Operation
Safe Operation
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction

We Are Here For You With Our Dedicated Solutions For Automotive & Spare Parts.